Kelley Cruse-Nicholson
Kelley Cruse-Nicholson
5:00pm - 10:00pm
Kelley's Jams

Air Staff


Sadie enjoys short walks on the beach that preferably end with food and drinks. She also likes critters, pirates, coffee, boating, comedies, The Beatles, photography, sleeping, concerts, and German beer. Probably her finest moment came when she learned how to play Hungry Hungry Hippos by herself; appropriating different limbs to different hippos. Sadie is bad at math and spent too much time alone as a child. But what she lacks in numerical knowledge she makes up for in useless knowledge. Don’t go up against her in trivia; she'll destroy you. She also has a passion for animals and animal rescue. To date, Sadie has fostered over 40 dogs and cats.